
Certification Courses

Training new staff is crucial but the benefits and value of providing consistent and scheduled professional development of your management and staff are more important than introductory training alone. 

The instructors and proctors at The Culinary Management Company are available to assist you with organizing and the training and development of your staff.

Hiring and having “seasoned or veteran” team members have hidden dangers, it leads to the false belief that they know exactly what to do and how to do and unfortunately, they are often assigned the responsibility of training and coaching new staff which can be a recipe for disaster. All experience is not guaranteed to be a good one, so don't allow this to negatively impact your company. 

Let's avoid this common pitfall and fill in the gaps. We will determine what your staff knows and compare it with what you think they know through a well-curated training program designed for your company. 

We provide training for managers, food handlers, bar and wait staff, and can create custom training solutions for our clients. 

To explore a list of the professional certification and signature courses that we provide visit our website at

You can also receive a consultation for a training quote and proposal for your company.